Wednesday, February 8, 2012

MEMSA Graduation Day December 3rd. 2011

Invited guests & trainees.

Master ceremony Pastor Daniel.

Thangi & Khong Sun performing a song.

Welcome address by Dr. Patrick.

Batch 5 team presentation

Sister Woo Sau Wan giving a brief report on MEMSA activities as at November 30, 2011.

MKIS Medical Out Reach - 2011 November, Ampang New Village, Selangor DE.

Patients waiting for registration.

Blood Pressure reading by MEMSA's volunteer.

Dispensing of medicine to patients.

Packing and labeling of medicine.

Doctor Patrick with a young patient.

Dr. Priscilla examining a patient's ear.

Baby waiting to seen by doctor.

What a beautiful doctor - Dr. Priscilla.

In deep discussion.

MEMSA Tag line.

Mercy, Education, Medical, Social concerns. Aid for the poor & needy

Volunteers having lunch break.

Lunch Break.

Late Sister Janet Chin serving lunch to other volunteers.

Sister Daphne & Sister Doris expressing a point.

Patient seeking medical attention.